You burn all the sugar in your liver and muscles after one day. not spent on your digestion.
Your digestive track after just 2-3 days starts to shrink (atrophy)
The protective layer (mucin) loses 2/3rds of its thickness.
Your liver and kidneys start to shrink after 3 days.
You burn all the sugar in your liver and muslces after one day.
You burn protein after 24 hours for energy, tearing down muscle
You burn fat after 24-48 hours for energy (to spare muscle) - you can do this for weeks with guidance.
Starting back on food correctly will determine if you damage your GI tract or have a super immune response which heals and stimulates like never before.
Join our 3-day water fast, and 3-day reboot diet and learn everything necessary to be healthier. "Better Health in 3 Days!"