Dr. Patterson Stark, BSc, D.C. FASLM, DipASLM, DipABAAHP
The Concept of Lifestyle Medicine stands on the shoulders of these giants pictured,
T. Colin Campbell, PhD
Dear Ornish, MD, FACLM
Michael Greger, MD, FACLM
I acknowledge my mentors with heartfelt gratitude for their lifetimes of contribution to mankind.
However, the path would never have been started without these significant influencers and friends - including; George Goodheart, Dave Walther, Paul White, Marcia White, Bob Blaich, Steve Kaufman, Marsha Patraka, Dennis Beliecki, Alan Cheng, Rick Burger, Ron Saltman, Fred Learner and Dave Campanelli.
Born and raised in California Patterson has been located in Christchurch New Zealand for the last 22 of his 34 years in New Zealand.
Stark's aims are to empower to prevent, reverse, or manage chronic degenerative conditions with evidence-based science and compassion.
Patterson Stark is USA-trained and Board Certified as a Chiropractor, in California, Colorado, and New Zealand. A Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine and triple board certified health practitioner in Lifestyle Medicine and Anti Ageing Medicine and Age Management Medicine (Cenegenics).
Clinician, Author, Video-Blogger, Motivational Speaker, avid E-Mountain Biker (sponsored by Specialized Bikes), Surfer, SUP Surfer, hiker, lover of all nature, and Paraglider, Patterson hopes to live the lifestyle he teaches -
V -He is a Vegan by choice - more specifically “Whole Food - Plant-Based without SOS - Sugar Oil or Salt, BUT you don't have to be - maintains a BMI of 21 and body fat of 5% FYI.
He is in his 10’152 days from his 100th year on this planet as of this writing.