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Changes in Our Approach to Lifestyle as Your Best Medicine 

        Important Announcement                June, 2024


To All Who Have Participated in The Stark Protocol – The Fasting Master Class


Dear Master Fasters,


Dedicated Supporters and those looking to add  the science of fasting to your lifestyle


As I approach my seventy-second year, I am excited to announce a new chapter in our fasting community’s evolution. I will no longer run 7-day Master Classes on Zoom, but I will continue to strongly recommend doing a quarterly Whole Foods Fasting Mimicking Diet (WF-FMD) to maintain health.


As we mark the end of an era, I reflect on the incredible journey we've shared over the last four and one-half years. Our quarterly fasts and master class community has evolved, helping me craft a highly effective tool - The Stark Protocol. Thank you for being part of this transformative experience, which has led to significant growth, learning, and personal transformation during hundreds of individual fasts that we shared.


Together, we have explored the evidenced based science, experiencing daily time-restricted feeding, intermittent fasting, and prolonged fasting. We were focusing on both water-only fasting and WF-FMD’s. Some enjoyed an enriching weeklong retreat. Others have overcome medical hardships, heroically beating the odds. Your success stories give us inspiration and the data to prove our hypothesis. This motivates me even more to continue researching, publishing, lecturing, and running retreats for doctors, healthcare practitioners, and individuals seeking the truth about maintaining or regaining vibrant health.


I now challenge and encourage you to do the WF-FMD on your own, with my personal support. Choose your time place and pace - using the specific and guided tools I have developed. Remember, for your safety medical supervision is essential, and you will now see how it fits into the new format.

  1. Everyone who does a self guided WF-FMD will be personally screened my me, to assure you that you are safe and will benefit from this process. 

  2. The video's workbooks and menus are the result of years of refinement - you will do great!

  3. Our private facebook page is there for you to interact with our 160 + experience fasters and supporters.  They have all been there and done that!

Questions?  service@starkhealth,com we are here to help.

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